4 Posts

Xero Me

Posted on December 13, 2022 by Kelsi Keep

What Is Xero Me?

Xero Me is a self-service accounting app that links into Xero. The app has multiple functions that benefit a wide range of businesses and allows common business activities to be streamlined.

The app is free to download and use, and its functions depend upon your organisation’s Xero Subscription.

Functions of The App:

  • The App allows for employees to submit timesheets on the go, for their current pay period.
  • The timesheet interface allows for notes to be added to the timesheets, a useful feature to communicate variations in hours or to add extra notes for the payroll admin or bookkeeper.
  • Once timesheets are submitted by the employee, users granted “Approver” responsibilities can review and approve the timesheets
  • Once the pay run is processed, employees are able to view and download previous payslips within the app.
  • The app allows also for employees to submit leave requests to be approved by the approving manager or user with the payroll admin user access.
  • Notifications are sent to users of the app and the payroll admin through each stage of the payroll process, keeping everyone up to date in real time.
  • Xero have addressed users’ data privacy concerns by allowing the app to be locked. This helps to prevent the users and organisations data as if the phone itself is lost or stolen the app cannot be accessed until the password is entered.

Track Expenses

If your Xero subscription includes “Xero Expenses” then you can link this with Xero Me.

Employees and managers can make expense claims and track expenses incurred for work using Xero Me. This is done by uploading a photo of the receipt and a description of the expense and using the Xero Me app.

Through the Xero Me app:

  • Expenses can be input as either reimbursable or non-reimbursable
  • Expenses can be linked to a designated account
  • Users to add notes for the bookkeeper regarding the transaction

This allows the bookkeeper to easily determine if an employee is to be reimbursed for expenses or not.

The ability to categorise and track expenses is an extremely useful function for businesses as Xero Expenses analytical tool allows for trends in expenses to be identified. Expenses claims can be filtered in several ways from status, account, or employee. This allows business owners to see where most expenses claims are coming from and allows for better budgeting of expenses and cash flows. 

Streamline Business Processes

Overall, the biggest benefit of integrating the Xero Me app into your business is that it streamlines business process and allows more time to be spent on more important tasks that will help grow the business.

Timesheets are no longer needed to be emailed in or sent in on a paper timesheet. This has many benefits as it not only speeds up the payroll process as time is not spent chasing staff for information. It also reduces the chance of transposition errors and incorrectly input timesheets as the data is sent directly to Xero payroll for processing.

If you would like to discuss using Xero Me for your business, please contact our office of 9316 7000.


Posted on December 9, 2022 by GSCPA Admin

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Tom Francis to Director of GeersSullivan.

Tom joined GeersSullivan in 2015 as a Senior Manager and was promoted to Associate Director in 2021.

The Directors and Team of GeersSullivan would like to congratulate Tom on his well deserved promotion.

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