12 Posts

Dress for Success

Posted on November 23, 2013 by Andrew Sullivan

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.”

– Mark Twain

I’m a fan of nice suit, in fact nice clothes in general. I know that our clients are sharp dressers—so this article won’t tell you anything you don’t already know. Instead you might want to pass it on to someone you think could do with sharpening up their appearance at work.
Here are some words of advice given to me early in my career…

Presentation Counts. First impressions are as much about what someone sees when they look at you as what they hear you say. If you want people to take you seriously then you need to look like you take yourself seriously.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Really this just isn’t about what you wear, its how you wear it and how you carry yourself. Act like you are more senior in your organisation by delivering more than expected from your role and you’ll be promoted much faster.

Casual dress day at the office is different to casual dress on the weekends. Casual doesn’t meet slovenly. A casual shirt or a polo t-shirt and jeans (dark denim) or casual trousers are fine for casual dress at the office. Shorts and a tank top are not.

To dress well at work you don’t need to break the bank. Buy what you can afford and get it altered to fit well. An expensive suit that is too big or too small doesn’t look as good as a more affordable suit that has been tailored to fit well.

A plain navy suit is the most versatile – this should be the first suit you buy. The second one should be grey. These two colours will cover you for any occasion requiring a suit.

A crisp white shirt goes with any coloured suit, trousers or jeans. If you wear a tie, keep it simple but have some fun with the colour. This doesn’t mean cartoon characters though.

Wear proper, polished shoes.

If in doubt, look to Frank Sinatra. The man knew how to dress…

GS Celebrates 10 years

Posted on March 28, 2013 by Andrew Sullivan

Over the life of a business there are key events that shape its destiny and special days that should be celebrated.

  • On 26th December 2002 a conversation between Keith (Geers) and I sparked the idea for GeersSullivan. 
  • On 6th January GeersSullivan Pty Ltd was incorporated and its first two Directors were Andrew Sullivan and Keith Geers.
  • On 31st March 2003 GeersSullivan moved into its first offices. 
  • On 13th October 2004 Jay Wakefield joined GeersSullivan as a Manager.
  • On 1st July 2007 Jay became a Director of GeersSullivan.
  • On 30th June 2010 Keith Geers retired from GeersSullivan.
  • On 22nd September 2010 Chris Grieve joined GeersSullivan as a Director.
  • On 31st March 2013 we celebrated our 10th Birthday. 

What started as a small family business has evolved into one of the top 100 Accounting Firms in Australia.

When we opened the doors over 10 years ago we simply wanted one thing… to work with great people – both our Clients and our Team.

We have seen many changes in our business however, GeersSullivan, at its essence has not changed over the years.  The success we have enjoyed and continue to enjoy has always come from the same place and the same values.

Excellence, Energy and Enrichment – our Core Values.

A business can only become great with a great Team and great Clients.  One can not exist without the others.  We have had many successes along the way and have made our share of mistakes.  We are stronger for those who have stood by us all this time – our loyal clients and our dedicated Team.  It has been our privilege to have worked with you over this past 10 years and it will continue to be as we move forward into the future.

Thank you,

Andrew Sullivan, Managing Director


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