128 Posts

Director Identification Number

Posted on February 25, 2022 by GSCPA Admin

Beginning 1 November 2021, Company directors are required to verify their identity and apply for a Director Identification Number (director ID) in an effort to deal with illegal phoenix activities and improve the traceability of company directors over time.

Included as part of the Treasury Laws Amendment Act 2020 by the Australian Government, the measure is also intended to cut down on the use of false or fraudulent director identities by assigning a unique ID to directors that lasts forever.

While the new regime commenced on 1 November 2021, existing directors may register without penalty at any time up to 30 November 2022 (30 November 2023 in the case of directors of Aboriginal Corporations). Directors appointed post-1 November 2021 must apply for an ID prior to becoming a director.

What is a director ID?

A director ID is a 15-digit identifier given to a director, or someone who intends to become a director, who has verified their identity with the Australian Business Registry Services. This will be used to trace relationships to companies over time. Directors need to apply for their own ID and they will only ever have one, which they will keep forever.

Who is required to hold a director ID?

A director ID is required if an individual is an eligible officer of:

  • A company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
  • An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).

An eligible officer is a person who is appointed as:

  • A director
  • An alternate director who is acting in that capacity.
  • A person who expects to become an eligible officer within 12 months may apply for an ID (if they do not already hold one). Once registered, that person has 12 months to be appointed as an eligible officer or their ID will be made inactive.

How do directors apply for an ID?

Step 1

Applicants will require a myGovID to apply for the director ID online.

(Please note – a myGovID is different to a myGov account.)

If you do not have a myGovID, you can find information and instructions on how to download the app at https://www.mygovid.gov.au/set-up.

If you cannot obtain a myGovID, you can instead apply for a director ID via the following two methods:

  • By phone if you have an Australian Tax File Number
  • By completing a paper form and providing certified (translated) copies of your documents to verify your identification.

Step 2

Applicants will need to provide details such as:

  • Individual Tax File Number (optional)
  • Residential address (as recorded with the ATO)
  • Answer to 2 questions, where details are know by the ATO, such as:

          o Bank account details
          o An ATO notice of assessment
          o Super account details
          o A dividend statement
          o A Centrelink payment summary
          o PAYG payment summary.

Step 3

Once you have obtained your myGovID you can complete your application for a director ID by following the instructions available at https://www.abrs.gov.au/director-identification-number/apply-director-identification-number

When do directors need to apply?

Applications for a director ID are now open. Both existing and new directors will need to apply in accordance with the following dates:

Corporations Act Directors

Date you become a DirectorDate you must apply
On or before 31 October 2021 By 30 November 2022
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 Within 28 days of appointment
From 5 April 2022 Before appointment

CATSI Act Directors

Date you become a DirectorDate you must apply
On or before 31 October 2022 By 30 November 2023
From 1 November 2022 Before appointment

When do directors need to use the ID?

The director ID needs to be provided to the corporation’s record-holder, which can be the company secretary, another director or an authorised agent of the company. If appointed as a director of any other companies in the future, directors will also need to give their ID number to the people responsible for maintaining the records of those companies.

Directors must also inform the Registrar of any changes to the information attached to their ID.

Registrars will in turn lodge the details of each director with the governing body (ASIC or ORIC), however the method for lodging these details is yet to be published.

What happens if directors fail to comply?

Failing to hold a director ID may result in an infringement notice or possible civil and/or criminal prosecution. The maximum penalties are 60 penalty units ($13,320 at the current penalty unit rate of $222) and 1 year imprisonment. Certain offences may also be applied against those involved in a contravention, which could include the eligible officer’s advisers. Additional breaches include if a director: Fails to comply with a direction from the Registrar Applies for multiple director ID’s Provides a false ID Misrepresents their ID Provides false or misleading information.

Additional breaches include if a director:

  • Fails to comply with a direction from the Registrar
  • Applies for multiple director ID’s
  • Provides a false ID
  • Misrepresents their ID
  • Provides false or misleading information.

What do I do with my directors ID?

Once you have successfully attained your Directors ID please contact our office and we will take the necessary steps to record your ID with ASIC or ORIC.

If you require any assistance with your application or would like more information on the new initiative, please contact our office on (08) 9316 7000.

ATO Instalments and Activity Statements

Posted on January 18, 2022 by GSCPA Admin

The ATO have been working on implementing the move to electronic delivery and lodgement of activity statements (BAS’/IAS’ and PAYG Instalment Notices). Unfortunately, the implementation of this move has not been seamless, and we have been experiencing inconsistencies across delivery methods, with a mix of electronic and paper activity statements still being issued.

If we handle your BAS/IAS lodgements then no further action is required by you as we will liaise with the ATO to ensure records are correct.

Individuals and/or Sole Traders

If you previously received paper activity statements directly and self-manage the lodgements you will need to action the following:

  1. Setup a MyGov account
  2. Link your ATO account to your MyGov Account

Lodgements will then be maintained through MyGov. This means you should receive a notification to either your email or phone when a new message is available on your MyGov Account. Please ensure that you log in to your MyGov Account and check the message as this could be the delivery of your IAS/PAYG Instalment Notice.

For all other entities

If you previously received paper activity statements directly and self-manage their lodgements you will need to action the following:

  1. Setup your Online Services for Business account (use this link to assist https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Bus/Set-up-your-access-to-Online-services-for-business/)
  2. Setup a MyGovID account
  3. Setup a Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to manage user access
  4. These only need to be completed once and then you will be set up permanently.

If you are expecting to receive an Activity Statement/PAYG Instalment Notice and it doesn’t arrive in the usual way, please contact us.

If you have any questions regarding your Activity Statements/PAYG Instalment Notices or the set up of your MyGov account of Business account, please do not hesitate to contact us on 9316 7000.

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